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A few years ago I read a great book call “Live the life you have always dreamed of”. It was one of those books you just don’t forget.

I was so impressed with one chapter about attitude that I made my two older boys (they were 4 and 5 at the time) memorise the 5 laws of attitude outlined in the chapter. They had to be able to recite them back whenever I asked.

There is only 5 of them so we just learned one every two days and then we all had to recite them each night before dinner.

The laws are:

1. I can
2. I will be generous
3. I will look for the good in every situation
4. Not much will make me angry
5. I will make a difference in the lives of those around me

Then whenever something went wrong I would just ask them – which one of the laws are you going to use this time? While sometimes it was met with a grunt or frown – the repetition started to work on the sub conscious. After a while I started hearing them asking each other the same question when an issue arose (although on occasion this it infuriate the other brother!).

Anyway I needed to be reminded of which one I am going to use right now! Just saying….

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